Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School!

After spending many memorable years as a teacher at this fabulous school, I am humbled and honored to be your principal.  To have the privilege of leading SMSH is a dream come true!  Generations of families have been taught here and I am so thrilled to be able to welcome a new generation of students through these doors and “make SMSH part of their story”.

As we look forward to the future, we invite everyone to “MAKE SMSH A PART OF YOUR STORY”.  We welcome new families with open arms and hearts!  We want to show you how wonderful our school has been for almost 100 years! Furthermore, we encourage current families to deepen their involvement in the SMSH community especially now that we are able to broaden our offerings once again.  There is no greater joy for our faculty and staff than when high school or college students return and remind us how important SMSH was in their story and how significant of an impact SMSH still has on their  lives.

Thank you again for entrusting us with your children’s education and formation.  I personally look forward to enriching your student’s experience here in collaboration with the incredibly talented and committed team of educators and staff here at SMSH.

With Saints Pride, 

Mrs. Lisa Serak