National Junior Honor Society
St. Mary - Sacred Heart School Chapter
National Junior Honor Society
St. Mary – Sacred Heart School is privileged to be associated with the National Junior Honor Society. Membership in this chapter is an honor awarded to deserving students based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship and character.
At the end of the second trimester, the SMSH National Junior Honor Society selects new incoming 7th and 8th grade members based on the following process:
Review individual student records in grades 7 & 8
Create a list of qualified individuals who meet the set scholastic criteria. An overall academic achievement average created under the Faculty Council, a select group of SMSH teachers with the exception of the advisers, determines eligibility for membership consideration.
Verify academic and discipline eligibility for consideration of membership
Distribute letters of invitation and applications for membership to qualified candidates
Review of applications for membership submitted by interested students are evaluated by the Faculty Council. Selection of membership is based on the following criteria: service, leadership, citizenship and character.
Notify all applicants of acceptance/nonacceptance
Participate in an induction ceremony for new members in the spring
*Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, service, leadership, character or citizenship may be considered for discipline or dismissal from the St. Mary-Sacred Heart School chapter of the National Junior Honor Society.
Membership in the NJHS affords students an opportunity to build leadership skills while participating in service projects. Throughout the school year NJHS engages in community service and fundraising efforts that benefit SMSH and the greater community. In addition to taking part in service opportunities, members will also act as student ambassadors for SMSH.
As a member of this student organization, each member is called to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to encourage a desire for service, to promote leadership, to develop character and to inspire good citizenship. As an extension to this privilege, you are given the opportunity to hold a position on the SMSH Chapter of NJHS Board. This is a respected duty that requires a strong obligation to the mission of this organization.