Our Blog

Grade 3

Wednesday 4-25-18 Spelling, reading, social studies, gym

Spelling: 8 sentences  The spelling test will be given tomorrow

Reading: Pages 327 & 328

Social Studies:  Your child needs to find out who the selectmen are in the town of North Attleboro.  All the students should have a paper in their folder to use to write down this information.  At the bottom of that page is a question living in the town of North Attleboro.  Please try to complete this page tonight.  If you can not get the information tonight then please get it in  by this Friday.

In the Wednesday folder is a permission slip for our field trip for the Town Tour.  Please try to return that tomorrow.  I will be needing two volunteers for this field trip.  The volunteers must have gone through the Cori program.  You can email me or send in a note with your child.

Also a permission slip about the Lures program needs to be signed and returned.

Thank you


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